To deliver a range of solutions for enterprises to manage, and develop complex ICT networks, a mission- critical approach is essential. Managing such environments requires addressing issues such as security, resilience, performance, storage infrastructure and virtualisation.
Telespazio Germany’s ICT solutions are independent in size, not limited to single locations, and can also extend to global networks using terrestrial and satellite communication that enables dependable and secure connectivity, remote data distribution, and independent backup solutions.
We have experience in the design, implementation, evolution and maintenance of complex ICT infrastructures, especially for mission-critical environments, including communications infrastructure, design of hardware platforms (sizing, performance considerations) and information security. Our ICT staff is trained in worldwide recognised standards for managing projects (Prince2), PMI and ICT (Information Technology Infrastructure Library ITIL).
To implement the latest trends and standards, and ensure the resilience and security of any system, the process of defining an ICT security strategy must include a mission-critical paradigm. Mission criticality covers several important segments of strategical planning, which drives more efficient use of infrastructure, provides better ROI and makes it dependable and secure.
Leveraging the expertise of our security engineers and their experience gained in a highly secure, ISO27001-based environment, we have implemented the following processes as part of our proposition:
Space mission security design and monitoring
Security assessment and enforcement of ICT infrastructure
Implementation of GDPR-related ICT infrastructure security measures
The design, implementation and management of the appropriate ICT solution strategy is based on insights into the needs and requirements for a ubiquitous, future-proof ICT infrastructure.
Telespazio Germany’s consultants and engineers perform a status quo analysis of the network physics, hardware and software currently in use. Based on the output, a gap analysis is presented, and viable technical and commercial possibilities are discussed.
Our IT infrastructure models include the following mission-critical cloud and data centre solutions:
- On-premises IT
- Collocation
- Hosting
- IaaS – “Infrastructure as a Service”
- PaaS – “Platform as a Service”
- SaaS – “Software as a Service”
The right ICT business consultancy and management process needs to be in place to plan, organise, direct, control and coordinate the acquisition, development, maintenance and use of ICT systems.
Our experience in mission-critical environments and the expertise of our consultants, who are committed to internationally recognised project management standards, enable us to successfully translate business requirements into ICT infrastructure requirements, and deliver ICT infrastructure solutions which meets customer needs.
Our Approach
- Planning: Turning your business needs into ICT requirements
- Design: Designing mission-critical customised ICT solutions
- Deployment: Implementing the customers’ ICT strategies
- Operations: Establishing smooth operations according to all necessary standards
- Evolution: Analysing and adapting to always-changing business requirements and market trends
Our Key Activities
- ICT technical audits
- Business value assessment
- Preparation of business case
- Optimisation, implementation, integration, and support
- ICT technologies and services that fit the environment
- Management information systems
- ICT certifications