Ground Stations Software Solutions & Network Management
With our long-standing experience in the field of ground station software, Telespazio Germany helps our clients achieve their goals in terms of capabilities, performance and innovation by supporting them in maintaining and evolving most of the ground station infrastructure-related software. We also support our clients in studies, procurement, tests and acceptance phases related to ground station equipment.

We provide expertise and skills to the European Space Agency (ESA) in the field of maintenance and evolution, through ITIL-based services and on-site consultancies.

Our expertise includes the following areas:

  • Software maintenance and evolution
  • ITIL-based services
  • Ground Stations specific domain knowledge
  • Support to operations
  • CCSDS/ECSS protocols and standards
  • Software lifecycle
  • CI/CD
  • Monitor & Control systems
  • Ground Station network management systems
  • Ground Station monitor and control systems (see also {link to Systems/For Space: Monitoring & Control})
  • Ground Station HKTM/TC and Science Data transfer software systems

Some of the most important projects our ground station software team is involved in include:

  • GIMUS2: Ground Infrastructure Maintenance and User Support (ITIL based service)
  • STC2: (STation Controller) Maintenance Service (On-site Service)