The Space Alliance at SpaceOps 2018

Marseille, France  24 May 2018

For the first time, Telespazio VEGA Deutschland and Thales Alenia Space will be exhibiting together at SpaceOps as Space Alliance.

SpaceOps is the most important international conference and exhibition on Spacecraft operations. Every two years, more than 650 delegates from more than 20 countries and from Space Agencies as well as industry representatives worldwide attend to present, share and discuss experiences and future challenges of satellite operations.

In 2018, SpaceOps is hosted in by CNES, the French Space Agency and organized together with the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). This year's theme is "Inspiring Humankind's Future". SpaceOps is taking place from 28th of May – 1st of June in Marseille, France.

The heart of SpaceOps – the Conference

During the five-day conference, the Telespazio Group will play an active role, be it through chairing sessions, selected speakers, poster presenters or many contributions to papers. We recommend paying attention to presentations and posters about:

  • Ground Segment as a Service

  • Mission Planning Tools

  • Operations Concepts

  • EGS-CC

  • Machine Learning Modelling

  • Automation for testing, routine monitoring, contingency and ground control

  • Microgravity and Space Experimentation Platforms

The full conference programme is available on the AIAA ScholarOne Website. For a full overview of all Telespazio Group Presentations, please refer to our dedicated Telespazio Conference Programme.

Space Alliance stand

Visitors to SpaceOps will be able to find us for the first time on the joint Space Alliance stand, located in the exhibition hall (stand number 20, 21, 22). While the Telespazio Group will focus on its expertise in Ground Segment Systems and Satellite Operations, Thales Alenia Space will give insights into the Iridium Satellite Constellation and the Stratobus, a vehicle halfway between a drone and a satellite.

Thanks to this large presence, visitors will be able to meet Telespazio VEGA Deutschland and Thales Alenia Space representatives of many different areas of expertise, ranging from simulation & modelling, automation, mission planning, or mission control systems, as well as from different geographical representations of the Space Alliance, such as Italy, Germany and of course France. We are looking forward to seeing you there.

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Hellenic Space Dawn Mission Adopts Telespazio’s EASE-Rise Mission Control Solution

EMTECH SPACE - prime contractor of the Hellenic Space Dawn (HSD) mission of the Greek Cubesat In-orbit Validation Programme - has selected Telespazio Germany’s platform for constellation management, EASE-Rise, as their Ground Mission Control Solution. 

Advancing Germany’s Space Capabilities

Artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, QKD, EASE-Rise, and training solutions for aviation professionals… are just some of the topics we will be discussing at ILA.

Telespazio Germany will Develop The Simulator for The PLATO Mission

With 26 telescopes covering a field of view 10,000 times bigger than the full Moon, the project will scan the brightest stars in the sky for planets passing in front of them.