
Elisa – Business Analyst

I started out as an Onboarding Specialist in Human Resources and got the opportunity to change to my current position as a Business Analyst as a working student. I support the improvement of our enterprise’s IT systems.

Business Analyst (Working Student)

Business Analyst (Working Student)



Joined Telespazio in 2021

Joined Telespazio in 2021

What was your first impression of Telespazio?

Good working environment – highly skilled colleagues – cares about their employees

What’s something you find challenging about your work?

In my first position as an Onboarding Specialist, I was the key link between new hires, managers, and other parts of the company. I really enjoyed this challenge of dealing with many people on a tight schedule. In my current position on the Business Analyst team, I face the challenge of understanding how the different processes and departments are connected and paying attention to all the small details. It is also really great to learn more and more about the company and how everything is connected.

What motivates you at work?

For one, my colleagues motivate me. I find that many open-minded people are working for Telespazio that also have lots of knowledge in their field of expertise, which leads to very interesting conversations and discussions. I also enjoy working in an international environment at Telespazio because it brings new perspectives. Also, I am very happy that I am able to work on interesting projects where I get the opportunity to learn various new skills.